Friday, March 28, 2014

Posted: March 28, 2014 by trudreamr in Character Interviews, FQFs: Five Question Fridays, Robin Woods, The Watcher Series

We have decided to begin a new series of Five Question Fridays. They will no longer be questions to Ms. Woods; now, the questions will be directed at characters.
Here is the first set!

Questions for Aleria
1. Who are your heroes?

People who make small, consistent sacrifices never expecting anything in return.

2. What do you value most in your friends?
Kindness, loyalty, and a sense of humor.

3. On what types of occasions would you lie?
If someone asks me how I am doing, I always say fine.  Does that count as lying?

Also, does it count if I am lying to Tyran?  Because, I’m not sure if it does.

4. Where would you like to live?
I don’t really care where I live.  It’s the people I’m with that matter.

5. What is your most treasured possession?
Since I move around a lot, I tend not to keep too many keepsakes.  It’s mostly the jewelry I wear: my great-grandmother’s Claddagh ring, Mrs. Copeland’s locket, and the North Star charm necklace that Joshua gave me.


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